How to Handle Dental Emergencies

by | Jan 3, 2020 | Emergency Dental Care

Dental Emergencies can vary in origin, need, and urgency. They can occur in a variety of ways, some by sudden trauma, others by a quick onset of symptoms. You can’t always predict a dental emergency, but you can plan to be ready for one.

A Spectrum of Urgency

Dental emergencies can be sudden and traumatic, like a cracked or knocked out tooth. Infections may not be as sudden, but are a category that qualifies as an immediate need for treatment. Others can be lower on the spectrum of urgency, such as a toothache or a lost crown or filling. Whatever your emergency, it is possible to be prepared with a plan and some helpful supplies.

Be Ready

There are a few helpful and simple supplies that are easy to keep on hand, and can help get you on your way to the dentist with a little less worry if you find yourself facing any dental emergencies.

– Gauze: Helpful if there is any bleeding associated with a dental injury.
– Clean disposable cups: handy for rinsing out your mouth with warm water in the event of an injury, or holding small pieces that may need to come to the dentist with you.
– Analgesic gel: This can help hold off pain for a short period of time until you can see a dentist.
– Other helpful items to have on hand: Cotton, Floss, Vinyl gloves.

If In Doubt: Call a Dentist

The most important thing to remember in the case of any dental emergency is do not ignore, delay, or avoid treatment. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to have complications, infections, or long term damage. Do your best to look ahead and immediately call a dentist if you experience any dental emergencies.

The best thing for a dental emergency is to avoid one. Some simple ways to do this are to protect your teeth. If you are in sports, a sports guard may be able to protect your teeth and mouth, and possibly prevent future injuries.

Seeing a dentist for regular cleanings and check ups may also be able to help prevent toothaches and infections, by catching things early with proactive and preventative care.

If you find yourself in a bind with any dental emergencies, or simply want to do all you can to prevent one, call our Austin or Georgetown dentist today to schedule an appointment and let us help you with your every day dental needs!
